Saturday, June 1, 2013

post-fanime re-cap

CAUTION: super long post w/ pictures

It's been almost a month since the last time I've posted. It's just been so busy the last few weeks T^T

The con's over and done and the last day of school just finished yesterday. Graduation is next week and I'll be DONE WITH HIGH SCHOOL. AWWYIS.

But more about the con-- 

Fanime Con is a four day con and I went on Friday (despite not being done with cosplays), Saturday, and Sunday.

I went on Friday with two Sophomore friends and my Marshall Lee buddy. We ended up waiting in the badge line for 3 1/2 hours, which was boring to no extent (Although we had it better than people who went for the thursday pre-reg pickup, apparently they had to wait 6 hours...). I was hoping to attend an armor making panel but missed it in the line (aww well, can't complain too much) ;A; On the bright side, at least we made it to swap meet (I LOVE SWAP MEET, planning on another post for swap meet haul). None of us ended up cosplaying on Friday since not one of us were done with our cosplays ;A; 

Saturday was more hectic, the group came over in the wee hours to get ready. In usual fashion, we ended up working on cosplays right until we had to leave to avoid missing the Adventure Time Meet-Up. 


  • FINN- totally done before Saturday :DD
  • FIONNA- finished her hat Saturday (but hat got lost afterwards ;A;)
  • MARCELINE- tried to make jeans, gloves and boot covers, but nothing worked out (T^T) so she ended up with reg brown boots, reg jeans, and beige (not yellow) gloves (BUT FUCK IT ALL, SHE STILL LOOKED FABULOUS)
  • MARSHALL LEE- all was done but his (her) guitar (which we finished on Saturday)
  • PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM- her's was pretty much done by Saturday :)
  • PRINCE GUMBALL- literally made his (her) jacket all on Saturday ;A; (BUT DONE)
  • LSP- she worked out her own shiz and LOOKED FABULOUS (GOD, I LOVE HER)
  • ICE QUEEN- all shit done, but I forgot the two blue dots on the first day (glued them on later)

Our Cake and Flame Princess were unable to make Saturday at the last minute T^T

Our Cake told us ahead of time, so I hiatus'd her cosplay and it's still in bits around my room and Flame Princess was done to begin with :)

We ended up going to the wrong meet-up spot, and were pretty late. The meet-up lasted only half an hour, which sucked cause there were so many people there, but at least (cause there were so many people) we're likelier to get a larger space (super crowded this year), or a larger time slot next year. There was also a STEAMPUNK AT GROUP *faints*

*stolen from tumblr*
mother of glob 
i wanna do steampunk IQ next year.
We only made it to about 15 minutes of the meet-up in the end (it was only half an hour long) and we never really got any group pics before we split off, SUPER REGRETS. But we did get some good pair pics :)

I managed to find a wandering Ice King for a genderbend groupie :)
It'sour Marceline and Marshall Lee!
they look motherfracking GOOD in gray ;A;
PB and PG
PB and Finn
"I love you Princess Bubblegum!"
*stolen directly from Finn's fb*
Our Fionna was doing two cosplays
and she changed back into her Baron Nashor (League of Legends) before I could get pics of her Fionna
(but at least her Baron looks really good)
And I found a wandering Jake to bro-fist :)
Other than forgetting the other two circles (hope not too many people noticed ;A;), my crown only had one bobby pin attached in the back (silly decisions) and flopped all over the place, so I need to fix that, and my bustle was also all over the place (as can be seen in the pics), so I need to figure out a way of keeping it in place.

I spent most of the day wandering with Marshall Lee and Fionna (as Baron). I'd wanted to go to another armor panel and the DollDelight fashion show in the morn/afternoon, but missed both as we were still getting ready (cosplay problems T^T) After the meet-up, Marshall Lee, Fionna/Baron, Brolaf (Olaf skin from LOL), and I made our way to the pokemon meet-up to chill with another friend who was cosplaying Dewott. After that, Marshall Lee, Baron, and I went to Quickly's (bubble tea cafe) for yummies (i had lychee slushie with grass jelly -u-) and some little girls there thought I was a fancy princess (and I didn't have the heart to tell them I was an evil kidnapping queen) so I took some pics with them and left with questionable morality. We had planned on coming back with enough time to check out Artist Alley, but by the time we came back, it was closed :(

Around this time (7ish) we re-grouped and since Dealer's Hall and Artist Alley were both closed, my camera was out of batteries, I wasn't really into any of the later panels or movies, I still had work to do for a friend's Damara cosplay for Sunday, and my feet were killing me, I went home with some other friends who were leaving.

Sunday, since most other AT-ers planned on going only Saturday and the ones who were, were doing Homestuck for the Homestuck meet-up, Marshall Lee and I were the only ones to re-wear our AT cosplays. Our planned Cake did Damara, PB did Aranea, and our Finn did Gamzee (crazy character difference *__*) Their group also included a Kankri, Mituna, Cronus, and Meulin (so mostly dancestors, plus Gamzee) 

That day, Marshall Lee and I explored Artist Alley (FINALLY), which took a mofo-ing 4 hours of WONDERFUL. I swear, we stopped by pretty much every booth to check out junk. We had a GIANT STACK of business cards to deal with when we left and we couldn't be happier :)

However (HUGE regrets) I was supposed to get some spending money from mi mama before I left (I'm a senior, I shouldn't depend on my parents for this shit, i know ;A;), but we both forgot and when I remembered in the car, my dad, who was driving us to Fanime, had only about $5 in QUARTERS (...) in the car, so I definitely wish that could have gone better. My Marshall Lee bud (god bless her) let me borrow some of her money so I was thankfully able to buy some good junk (which I'll definitely  share in the post with the Swap Meet haul -u-)

By the time we left, my feet hurt like hell and i spent the rest of the day walking precariously on the heels of my heels (hope that makes sense) to spare my poor toesies ;A;

They still have blisters and I'm avoiding shoes like the plague. Thank glob, it's practially summer here and it'd be weird NOT to wear flip-flops :)

After Artist Alley, we visited our friends in the park, where they were chilling after the Homestuck meet-up. We took some pretty photos and then headed over to Johnny Rockets for sustenance. I managed to take off my hoop skirt inside and the management was super nice enough not to complain :) We ate some junk, refreshed our make-up and headed back to the con. 

Dealer's Hall and Artist Alley were again closed by this point, but we went to the game room for some board games. I won a game of Apples to Apples and Hungry Hippos, but left pretty fast after they opened Dirty Minds (-A-)

Marshall Lee was nice enough to wander with me as I attempted to find a group of rumored Angelic Layer cosplayers. Angelic Layer is my favorite manga of all time. No Question. I'd met a Hikaru cosplayer earlier that day in Artist Alley and she said she might be joined by her friends who were also cosplaying Angelic Layer and I just freaked out (*__*) Sadly, I don't know if they came or not and I didn't end up seeing them T^T If anyone knows anything about this, I'd love some kind of picture of their cosplays (sorry for creeping) 

Eventually it was around 10:30 and we left for home sweet home. 

Monday, I figured it was high time to write my final essay for AP LIT, but our Aranea/PB, and Marshall Lee ended up going again, which was fun for them :) (only a wee bit jealous) (*__*)



  1. Great post! All the cosplays were really cool! :)
    By the way would you like to follow each other on GFC and bloglovin? Let me know :D

  2. I wanna make same Baron's mask. Can i get a blueprient, pls? @_@...
